GamePrix, based in the Republic of Korea, has launched a new, PC-only MMORPG that promises to ‘resemble console games’ by featuring a combat mode similar to that seen in Tekken as well as Kinect support.
Describing Divine Soul, the firm writes: “the game's support of gaming pads make it resemble console games even more, and is scheduled to support Kinect, a new control system of Xbox360.”
The firm’s Jason Lim told IncGamers: “Kinect will soon be available as a new controller so it might be supported like joy pad mode in the future.
“Currently in MS, there are many game companies that are trying to apply for
this system.”
Discussing the new combat mode, Lim said: “We added PvP combat mode among the contents in online games. In fact, we do believe that this certainly has an advantage as an online game since many players can fight in a tournament and global tournament will be also available.”
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